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This part is responsible for maintaining health and environmental protection and preventing accidents due to lack of attention to safety regulations in the company's activities.
The company's policy on health and environment:
The company has committed itself to complying with the safety and health requirements of those involved in various projects, and has endeavored to mitigate the risks of work, so that the risks to the work environment and the damage done to The environment is minimized.
In order to reach this, following items should consider:
Being committed to personal safety and health regulations and announcing it when hiring and continuing staffing
Provide sufficient incentives for employees by providing the necessary resources and information
Establish continuous and daily training classes for employees in order to achieve HSE goals
Creating a safe working environment for employees
Preparing reports from contractors for HSE activities and marking them at workshops
Collaboration with the workforce to advance HSE regulations and standards
Also in the workshops of the company, the personnel are always in the presence of safety and health personnel and monitor and ensure the observance of safety precautions.